Tag Archive | cat photos

National Pet Day!

Today is National Pet Day.  I guess that’s a thing!  So I’ll celebrate.

Cora is one of the sweeties kitties ever – to humans.  She can be a bit of a bully to other cats.  But she loves to snuggle at night, and loves to comfort her people with licks.  She loves to sit in her puff next to the computer when I’m writing.  She also loves to eat – man does she ever love to eat. That’s why she is a little – ahem – round…

I love you Coraline!

Oliver’s Boxes

Oliver’s health seems to still be holding it’s own, even though his tumor is growing.  It is currently about the size of a lime, nestled in between and under his right shoulder blade.  It is just this hard lump, visible under the skin – you can absolutely feel it.  So far, it doesn’t seem to be painful to him, so that is a positive.

His appetite is good, and he still enjoys snuggling with me every chance he gets.  He likes to be warm under the covers.

Oliver loves boxes, even if he can’t fit…

I continue to just try to be grateful for the time I have with him, not knowing how much longer that will be.  No matter what, it will never be enough.



Oliver Sleeps

Oliver likes to sleep like a person these days.  Tucked up next to me, under the covers, with his head on the pillow.  I don’t have the heart to tell him if he wants to be a person, he needs to put in a 40 hour work week…  He really does have the life.

Who could resist that face?

Who could resist that face?

Oliver’s Tumor

A week ago, Oliver had surgery to remove a fibrosarcoma from the space just behind his right shoulder blade.  Cancer.  Luckily, I noticed it when it was small, and took him in to have it checked out.

The surgery was invasive, but went well.  They had to cut out the tumor, along with pieces of three different muscles.  A cube about 2 inches on each side.  And then they sewed the muscles back together so he wouldn’t lose use in his shoulder and right front leg.

He looks a bit like Frankenstein, but has tolerated the recovery process well.  He is leaving his incision alone, and it is staying closed.  He is able to move around as he needs to, walking and running and jumping up on the bed by himself.  He only seems to favor that leg while going downstairs.

Oliver is clearly annoyed that I was looking at dog photos on the interwebs...

Oliver is clearly annoyed that I was looking at dog photos on the interwebs…

He will need regular massages in the future to make sure the tumor doesn’t grow back (I should have such a prescription!).

I am glad things went ok, as it was certainly stressful leading up to the surgery!  I worry about the furkids, and always hope that they live forever.  It looks like there’s still a chance with Oliver.  🙂

Happy weekend everybody!

Kitty Cuddles

I hope you all enjoyed your Independence Day long weekend.  I had a pretty quiet weekend, with some half marathon training, dinner with family, and housework and organizing.  The kitties enjoyed lounging around too, and Oliver even lay down with Coraline for some snuggles.  I was surprised, because usually she will come snuggle with him after he is curled up somewhere, but he doesn’t usually seek her out.  I guess he just wanted a little attention!

Oliver went to sleep with Coraline!

Oliver went to sleep with Coraline!

Oliver sacked out with Coraline

Oliver sacked out with Coraline

How was your weekend?