
Retirement Diaries 2024: Garden Time

I can’t believe it is already mid-May!  The sun is out, the temps are getting into the high 60s, and it’s gardening time! 

I have been working out in the yard and garden, clearing up the fallen sticks from the oak trees, clearing away the dead leaves and pulling the lush grass from the beds.  Things are green!  The trees are budding out and the lilacs will be blooming soon.  It’s beautiful! 

I also started my garden with some frost tolerant crops.  Last weekend I planted radishes, beets, turnips and snow peas in the ground.  Nothing has sprouted yet, but I’m sure it is just a matter of days!  I also put up the mini greenhouse in the house, and have a lot starting in it!  Cabbage, bell pepper, cantaloupe, and green and colored bush beans.  I have six tomato plants that were already started, and am starting ten more from seeds (I have never started tomatoes from seeds, so we will see how that goes).  The cabbage sprouts are going crazy, the tomato plants are growing, and I even have one lonely cantaloupe start.  I’m sure its friends will be arriving soon. 

I marked everything on a calendar, with planting dates, and expected date of harvest.  There will be more going in the ground in the next week or two as well!  The big experiment begins! 

I also started volunteering for our town’s library, and the library book sale begins today.  It has been a flurry of activity getting ready, moving all the donated books up from the basement of City Hall, and arranging them all on tables.  It helps to be a big reader, so I can help figure out which genres the books belong in.  Hopefully we get lots of sales for funding library activities! 

I went for a hike at a new-to-me park last week.  Crow Wing State Park is right at the confluence of the Crow Wing and Mississippi Rivers, and is the site of a Native American village, and later a white settlement.  There isn’t much left now, but signs explain where things were, and there is an old cemetery.  It is fun to imagine what a tough life it would have been to live here hundreds of years ago. 

Yellow and Cora both had a vet appointment on Tuesday.  Yellow was getting his kidney bloodwork to check how he’s doing and Cora had a vaccine she needed in case I need to board her later in the spring for a few trips mom and I are going on.  Yellow is doing well!  His kidney values are just slightly outside of the normal range, but much better than they were 6 months ago.  It is such a relief!  He’s responding well to his fluids and he’s happy.  Cora’s vaccine had her feeling under the weather until this morning (she even slept through a couple of meals, which is unlike her!), but she seems to be back to normal today. 

It’s been a busy spring so far, but I’m having lots of fun!  I can’t wait to see the results of my handiwork!


Retirement Diaries 2024: Back in Minnesota

After three weeks in Washington and Oregon, I’m back in Minnesota.  I had so much fun, seeing friends, visiting my favorite places, and getting in plenty of beach time. 

The weather is so much better than when I left!  Instead of lows of 7 degrees and snow on the ground, the weather has been mostly sunny and in the 50s and 60s since I got back.  Until today at least; it’s raining now and it is supposed to rain off and on until Monday.  There are worse things in life.

The grass is green from the recent rains, and once the rain stops I’m going to be getting out into the yard to work on pruning and trimming back the dead foliage.  The lilac bushes are starting to leaf out, so there will soon be the sweet smell of lilacs blooming!

Cora and Yellow were of course happy to see me, and have forgiven me for being away.  It is so nice to see how bonded they are; they regularly snuggle and sleep in the same puff, even though they have lots of options.  At the moment, I can hear Yellow snoring in the other room; they really have a good life!

Mom was kind enough to think of me when she went to the library book sale for the next town up the road, and she got me some books on the Civil War.  She’s always so thoughtful!  There is also an upcoming book sale at our town library, so I’ll be helping move books from storage next week to get ready for it.  I’ll be considered the young person with the strong back among the other volunteers I’m sure.  It reminds me of helping mom to purge her books before the move last year.  That was a lot of boxes of books!

On my way home from Washington, I spent a couple of days on the Oregon coast, camping, looking for agates and just enjoying the beach.  I did get rained on a little, but it was pretty good weather for the most part!  After I left the coast, I spent a few days getting home, doing a little bit of sightseeing on the way.  A winery along the Columbia River Gorge, and a few museums in Montana and North Dakota.  After leaving Oregon, it got too cold for camping, so I splurged on a few nights of hotels.

Along the way I had a few lovely chats with people I met on the beach, at the winery, or in the restaurant bars – I like sitting at the bar when I’m dining alone, it just invites more social interaction.

Of course, now that I’m back I’ll be able to write more regularly again.  Not much driving to interfere with my downtime!

I hope everyone is well – and enjoying spring!

Retirement Diaries: A Full Cup

I’ve been in Washington nine days, and what a whirlwind they have been!

I have spent my nine days visiting the places that bring me joy and peace.  I have spent some days at the beach, and gone to visit some of my favorite nearby towns.  I have poked around in shops that I love, and gone to restaurants old and new.  I have taken walks on some of my favorite trails and in the parks, and watched the sunset over the water.

I have spent the nine days visiting friends who are dear to me, catching up, laughing, hearing stories of joy and hardships, and sharing my own.  I have reconnected with people I have missed terribly.  There is something so powerful about being able to connect in person with friends who I usually only get to talk on the phone with or text.

I do love my home state and miss it, but it is my people that I miss the most.  Seeing them has filled my cup!  I feel so blessed! 

Retirement Diaries 2024: Packing Up…

Last Friday, Mom and I headed over to a garden nursery for a planting event!  You could choose to plant a container garden or a hanging basket.  Then you pick your plants, plant them in the dirt and you are done!  The nursery takes care of your baby until Mother’s Day weekend, when you go pick up your plant and see how much it has grown!  The cold weather in Minnesota makes greenhouses a necessity.  In Washington your little container gardens would already be out soaking up the sunshine and the rain! It was a fun drive over; we saw farmed elk and bison on the way, and a wild Bald Eagle. 

Early Sunday morning, it started to snow.  And it pretty much continued non-stop until Tuesday evening.  It came down relatively slowly, but I would guess overall there was 8-10 inches.  Today the skies are back to being blue and sunny! 

Sunday Morning


Monday Evening

Sunday morning was also the Agate Swap!  Mom hadn’t been to one before, so we braved the snow and checked it out.  It is basically a rock show, with lots of vendors selling their wares.  You can bring in agates to trade or sell, but mostly the Lake Superior Agates I have found are small and not very impressive, so no trading for me.  I did buy a few agates and an antique agate marble that caught my eye.  I’m slowly filling up my house with rocks! 

I’m glad the weather system has now passed through, because I’ve been packing up the car to get on the road!  It’s spring, and I’m ready for a trip!  It was strange yesterday hauling things out to the car in my snow boots.  It will be too cold to camp on the way out to Washington, where I will spend a few weeks with friends, catching up with everybody and seeing the sights.  Hopefully I will be able to camp on the way back though, so I’m putting all my gear in the car just in case.  I haven’t been to Washington in almost seven months, so I’m beyond excited!

I’m sure the kitties will miss me, but Yellow is doing well with his new food and daily fluids, so I don’t have to worry about him as much as I was.  Cora is doing great!

On the way back, I haven’t decided my route yet.  I suppose it will probably depend on the weather.  Stay north and go back through Montana, or cut down through Oregon again and maybe do some of Highway 20?  There are so many choices – and so much to see!   

Retirement Diaries: It’s Spring!

It’s spring!  We made it to spring! 

After a relatively mild winter, now that it is spring, the snow is forecast.  It will probably only be a couple inches on Thursday and Friday, so I suppose I can deal with it.  It was only 14 degrees outside when I got up today, so hopefully it warms up soon!  At least it is sunny though; Cora and Yellow enjoy sleeping in the sun on the teacup chair. 

Everything around here is still pretty dormant though, since it has been so dry.  No snow, and no rain makes for brown grass and no sign of spring flowers yet.  I’m looking forward to seeing some color! 

In other news, I’m heading out to Washington soon to see my friends.  It’s been over six months since I have been out there – far too long!  I’m starting to get excited! Socializing!  Great conversations!  Beachcombing and looking for agates!  Going to all my favorite restaurants, breweries and cideries!  Sightseeing!  I’ll be driving over, so pray that this weekend’s little snow event stays just that.  Little.

I hope you are all well, and enjoying the first day of spring! 

Retirement Diaries 2024: Almost Spring

We have almost made it to spring!  The weather was fabulously warm for a few days last week, with the temperature Sunday almost reaching 60!  I planned to work on chinking both weekend days and make some progress on getting this log home in peak insulated shape.  Saturday was a great day for it, and I made some good progress on the back side of the house.  Sadly, it was pretty windy Sunday and the wind interfered with chinking.  Best laid plans…  This weekend I know what I’m doing Sunday!

The robins are back!  And I have heard the Sandhill Cranes are already in Southern Minnesota, so they should be here soon!  I took Cora to the vet for her checkup and rabies vaccine yesterday and saw a pheasant by the side of the road!  Cora is doing well; she had some bloodwork done to check for common issues in older cats, and catch it early if anything is going on.  She’s happy and isn’t showing any symptoms that there are any issues though!  I should have results early next week.

Yellow has gained some weight and the subcutaneous fluids are a big help.  He’s so funny.  He’s always so skittish if he’s on the floor and anyone tries to walk up to him.  However, he will happily lay on the floor right behind my office chair with wheels when I’m working on the computer.  Don’t worry, I’m careful when he’s there!

The chickens are certainly noticing the warmer weather and the longer days, and laying more eggs again for spring.  I am going to need to find some recipes again that use lots of eggs!  I also waterglassed my first batch of eggs this weekend.  If you don’t know, waterglassing is a traditional method of preserving raw eggs; you place them in a container with filtered water and pickling lime, and the solution preserves the eggs up to 18 months!  They won’t taste pickled; they are supposed to taste just like fresh eggs when you wash off the pickling lime solution.  The catch is that you have to use farm fresh eggs; store bought eggs have been washed and had the protective “bloom” removed.  I have been saving the cleanest eggs for my next batch to waterglass, and I’m curious to see how they turn out.

Tuesday night was a delicious lobster and shrimp dinner at home!  I haven’t had whole lobster since I celebrated my birthday in 2018.  This one was frozen, so it wasn’t quite as good, but it was a treat!  We ground up the lobster shells and fed them to the chickens; the girls enjoyed the extra calcium!

This week was very social!  I had book club on Wednesday and Trivia night on Thursday.  We got second to last at trivia night, but we had fun, and I was happy with our performance.  One of the categories was cartoon turtles, and it is clear that I’m lacking in cartoon turtle knowledge.  We managed to pull off 6 out of 10 turtles with a team effort though!

Other than that, I’ve been spending a lot of time reading, and writing.  I took an online writer’s workshop last week, and it re-inspired me to keep writing a book.  I dusted off the document that I started on several years ago, and have been refreshing my memory on what I wrote back then.  I’m excited to get back to it!

Hopefully, with the coming of spring, I’ll get back on the road and do some more traveling.  Yellow is doing pretty good, so I should be able to leave him for short periods.  The calendar is starting to fill up with some trip options.  Yay!

Retirement Diaries 2024: Michigan

Since the weather has been so warm and snow-free, Mom and I took a week and headed over to Michigan to see some of the family.  We drove over on Thursday, because we couldn’t leave earlier in the week and miss our book clubs!  We are staying with my aunt, uncle and cousin, in their little hometown near Kalamazoo.

The drive was easy, and we didn’t even have terrible traffic when we were skirting the edges of Chicago!  I say that and will now probably be cursed the next time I drive through Chicago.

So far we have gone to a couple of vintage/antique/thrift shops, checked out a bin store (it was meh…), watched Oppenheimer, worked on a puzzle, taken a couple walks through the neighborhood and eaten some great food.  We also had lunch with another aunt, uncle and cousin!  That was fun!

We even had a little jewelry making workshop!  Mom showed us all how to make some heart earrings for Valentine’s Day.

Today we went to a high school play (my uncle’s coworker was performing).  There were five short productions and then the main one-act play.  The shorts were written, cast, rehearsed and performed for the first time, all within 24 hours!  They were very creative and funny; it was clear these kids worked very hard.

There is more fun on the agenda for the rest of the week.  The Superbowl coming right up, more thrift and antique shops, a rock shop, rock hounding and more great food.  Who knows – maybe we will even find a giant statue on the way!?  For the Super Bowl, I have to root for the Chiefs, because they are the only team that has an animal mascot.  Yes, I looked up the mascots in order to make my choice.

It’s been nice to get away and have some family time. 

Retirement Diaries 2024: Kicking Off January

Happy New Year!

2024 has quietly entered the building.  The holiday itself was low-key; mom came over for dinner and we spent a little bit of time working on a puzzle.  I haven’t finished it yet – it is a hard one!

It seems we may finally get some truly cold temperatures in the next week, with lows currently forecast down to -7.  Not my favorite time of year.  Of course, from the looks of it, the whole country is in for a deep freeze!

Mom and I had a Thursday Funday last week.  We went to see the Festival of Trees at the Wright County Heritage Society, about an hour from home.  They had 80 decorated Christmas trees, done by local residents and businesses, and you could have fun by voting for your favorite trees.  After seeing all the pretty trees, we found a couple of antique and vintage shops and perused to our hearts’ content.  I got some cute rubber duckie earrings but otherwise didn’t buy anything; they had some really cute items though that were tempting!  We stopped off at the Goodwill on the way home and each found a few things too.  Chinese takeout rounded out a fun day!  It was nice that the weather held off – it was cold with temps in the 20s, but the few flurries of snow didn’t ever get serious…

Yellow has been doing a bit better.  He’s eating a bit more and eating his latest wet food that was recommended by the vet.  Which means he’s been eating a bit more of the phosphorous binder that I sprinkle on the wet food.  Supplemental fluids each day are helping a lot and he’s not fussy about getting stabbed in the scruff of the neck each night with the needle.  He has another recheck on his blood work in late January, so we will see how things are.  Cora has been trying to rough house with him again, so maybe that means he is feeling better!  Ah, the things we do for our babies.

Yesterday I went over to a friend’s house for the Taylor Swift Eras Concert watch party that she was hosting.  There were about 10 of us there, and we had a potluck lunch and then settled in for the 3.5 hour concert.  I like Taylor Swift’s music, and the fact that she is a smart, savvy businesswoman who stands up for herself.  It was fun, and nice to be making some friends in Minnesota.

I didn’t make any resolutions, although at some point soon I want to start planning out my 2024 travel.  I’m not sure yet what will be on the agenda, but I’m looking forward to some time on the road, where ever it ends up being.  One of these days I’ll sit down with my maps and make a wish list!

Otherwise, my world has been pretty relaxed.  Reading, writing and puttering around the house.  It’s nice to be able to have the down time.  How is your New Year starting out?


So Long 2023 – I’m Done with You!

What a whirlwind year – I can’t believe it is time for my year in review!  Oh dearest 2023 – what can I possibly say about this year?!

2023 marked the first year in my entire adult life that I haven’t “worked.”  That is, I haven’t worked for pay.  I quit my job and retired over a year ago on September 20, 2022 and it has been nice!  Honestly, the only thing I miss about working is the friendships and social connections.  I don’t miss the stress and the drama.  Well, I suppose I miss the higher paycheck too, but I’m doing fine.

This year ended up being really busy.  My mom had been planning her move to be closer to me in Minnesota, and I flew out to Washington for three weeks in February to go to a friend’s 60th birthday party, and to help mom with the long process of downsizing her life.  Since I had made major achievements in this area of my life the previous year, I consider myself an expert!  Haha – not.  But I did my best.

Mom ended up finding a house here that she liked in March, and she made an offer.  When it was accepted, the race was on!  I flew out to Washington in mid-April to really get down to the business of mom’s move.  Of course, because things don’t always go according to plan, that house ended up having water in the basement when the spring thaw came; the basement mom wanted to use extensively for storage.  So we backed out of that deal.

Mom had already scheduled movers and made the decision to list her home in Washington, so we now had to see if we could find her a different house.  It’s a very unique experience to do a walk through of a home on video chat, and buy it sight unseen (in person anyway).  I know people have been doing business moves this way for ages, and even just based on photographs, but it is a strange concept for sure!  Luckily mom found a home that actually works better for her needs, and is closer to me to boot!  It has been nice having mom only three miles away; it makes popping over for dinner or a movie, or to borrow something fast and easy!

I ended up spending close to two and a half months in Washington on that second trip.  It was super busy.  We were purging and packing every day, with the exception of a brief respite when the house first listed.  And I was trying to fit in as much time as possible with friends in the evenings.  I was definitely burning the candle at both ends. 

Mom and I departed with her loaded car on June 21.  We had four days to make the trip in order to meet the moving van, and we made some stops along the way.  We saw the Cataldo Mission near Couer d’Alene, Idaho, and walked the streets and shops of Wallace, Idaho for an hour or so.  We saw the incredible mineral museum in Butte, Montana, at the Montana Tech campus.

In Bismarck, North Dakota we visited Keelboat Park, to see a replica of the keelboat designed by Captain Meriwether Lewis on their famous expedition.  We also visited Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park in Mandan, North Dakota, to tour the reconstructed On-A-Slant Mandan village and the commander’s home of Lt. Colonel George Armstrong Custer. Custer lived here from 1873, until his death at Little Bighorn in 1876.  Of course, we also made brief visits to some impressive giant statues!  Salem Sue, the world’s largest Holstein Cow, received a sunset visit.  And Sandy, the world’s largest Sandhill Crane, got a brief stop on a rainy last day of driving.

The next month was a flurry of activity at mom’s house, as we unpacked, arranged, and tried to create a sense of order in the chaos.  Once that was done, it was time for me to take a vacation!

I returned to Washington at the end of July; I spent a week touristing through North Dakota and Montana and then spent a glorious five weeks with my friends, and enjoying summer in the Pacific Northwest.  I had only one chore while I was there; to clear a couple of last pieces of furniture that remained in mom’s house.  With the help of a friend who was furnishing a new place, and another friend with a truck, it didn’t end up being too burdensome!  Get the tape measure!

I spent my time reading, exploring, seeing friends, beachcombing, and capped it off with almost a full week on the Oregon Coast.  The weather was cool but dry, about as good as you can expect for the Oregon Coast in August.  I found tons of agates, revisited some of my favorite restaurants and camped at Beverly Beach.  It was glorious!

Roads End Driftwood

It was time to return home in early September, and I went back to Minnesota by way of Eastern Oregon and Idaho.  I saw some new to me places, including John Day Fossil Beds, the Polka Dot Agate mine (where you can dig for thundereggs!), the Idaho potato museum, and Virginia City and Nevada City in Montana, and the Enchanted Highway in North Dakota. 

Later in September, mom and I took a whirlwind road trip down to Knoxville, Tennessee to go to her jewelry-making workshop again.  We didn’t really sightsee this time, but instead I signed up for the workshop and actually made some jewelry!  It was fun, but I have a long way to go before I would consider myself anywhere near competent at jewelry-making.  And in a strange twist of fate and timing, I got to see my cousin and her husband for lunch in Louisville, Kentucky!

One thing about getting older is that I’m not willing to deal with other people’s drama and bad behavior; I’m just no longer willing to allow people to mess with my peace.  I left my job last year because of my toxic boss.  This year continued that theme.  Sadly, there were a few people who I had to remove from my life; they were simply creating too much chaos.  With that, I restored my peace, and I’ve been a lot happier since.  Word of advice – you are the one who has to live your life.  So, if you feel that toxic people need to go, don’t fall prey to the guilt trips that they try to throw in your face.  Your peace isn’t worth it! 

Since I’ve been back in Minnesota I have been nesting, doing some home maintenance, and relaxing.  I have been rearranging my house, and unpacking things that I now have room to put out.  I have also been reading and writing more here!  I’m almost done writing about my big road trip back in 2018 (where have the last 5 years gone!?), and I’m excited to move on to more recent adventures.  With a couple of minimal travel years, it shouldn’t take nearly so long to catch up.  The 2018 trip was unique in that there was almost four months of daily adventures, and often visiting more than one place in a day!  You can be sure I’ll be blogging more about the places I went this year! 

Cora, Yellow and the chickens are all still hanging out, living their best lives.  Unfortunately Yellow’s kidney’s are failing, so I’m giving him supplemental fluids every day to keep him feeling better.  I’ve been down this road before, and I know the eventual ending, but for now he’s tolerating the fluids, and still enjoying life. 


All I have to say is that life throws some curveballs.  I didn’t expect some of the things that happened this year, and it certainly changed my long term outlook and plans.  Some were good, some were bad, some are still in the planning phase.  I’m proud of myself for standing my ground and standing up for my boundaries.  I am hopeful for 2024, in more ways than one.  Life is what you make it, and although sometimes you can’t control what happens to you, you can control your reaction to it.  Enough said.  Bring on 2024!


Retirement Diaries 2023: Merry Christmas to All

It’s a snowless Christmas here in Minnesota.  In fact, it is raining, which reminds me of many a Christmas in Washington.  There’s has been a drought here this year, so the rain is probably a good thing, although it is not so fun for a Christmas morning walk.

Christmas is quiet here.  My mom is coming over this afternoon and we’ll have ham and fixings, open presents and maybe watch a Christmas movie.  No traveling for Christmas this year, but I still hold out hope that one day I’ll spend my Christmas hiking in a National Park! 

I worked yesterday on a photo project for my mom.  It was certainly a trip down memory lane, of travels and family.  I have been blessed with family, friends, pets and the many places I have been.  

I hope all of you are blessed with a Merry Christmas as well!