
So Long 2023 – I’m Done with You!

What a whirlwind year – I can’t believe it is time for my year in review!  Oh dearest 2023 – what can I possibly say about this year?!

2023 marked the first year in my entire adult life that I haven’t “worked.”  That is, I haven’t worked for pay.  I quit my job and retired over a year ago on September 20, 2022 and it has been nice!  Honestly, the only thing I miss about working is the friendships and social connections.  I don’t miss the stress and the drama.  Well, I suppose I miss the higher paycheck too, but I’m doing fine.

This year ended up being really busy.  My mom had been planning her move to be closer to me in Minnesota, and I flew out to Washington for three weeks in February to go to a friend’s 60th birthday party, and to help mom with the long process of downsizing her life.  Since I had made major achievements in this area of my life the previous year, I consider myself an expert!  Haha – not.  But I did my best.

Mom ended up finding a house here that she liked in March, and she made an offer.  When it was accepted, the race was on!  I flew out to Washington in mid-April to really get down to the business of mom’s move.  Of course, because things don’t always go according to plan, that house ended up having water in the basement when the spring thaw came; the basement mom wanted to use extensively for storage.  So we backed out of that deal.

Mom had already scheduled movers and made the decision to list her home in Washington, so we now had to see if we could find her a different house.  It’s a very unique experience to do a walk through of a home on video chat, and buy it sight unseen (in person anyway).  I know people have been doing business moves this way for ages, and even just based on photographs, but it is a strange concept for sure!  Luckily mom found a home that actually works better for her needs, and is closer to me to boot!  It has been nice having mom only three miles away; it makes popping over for dinner or a movie, or to borrow something fast and easy!

I ended up spending close to two and a half months in Washington on that second trip.  It was super busy.  We were purging and packing every day, with the exception of a brief respite when the house first listed.  And I was trying to fit in as much time as possible with friends in the evenings.  I was definitely burning the candle at both ends. 

Mom and I departed with her loaded car on June 21.  We had four days to make the trip in order to meet the moving van, and we made some stops along the way.  We saw the Cataldo Mission near Couer d’Alene, Idaho, and walked the streets and shops of Wallace, Idaho for an hour or so.  We saw the incredible mineral museum in Butte, Montana, at the Montana Tech campus.

In Bismarck, North Dakota we visited Keelboat Park, to see a replica of the keelboat designed by Captain Meriwether Lewis on their famous expedition.  We also visited Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park in Mandan, North Dakota, to tour the reconstructed On-A-Slant Mandan village and the commander’s home of Lt. Colonel George Armstrong Custer. Custer lived here from 1873, until his death at Little Bighorn in 1876.  Of course, we also made brief visits to some impressive giant statues!  Salem Sue, the world’s largest Holstein Cow, received a sunset visit.  And Sandy, the world’s largest Sandhill Crane, got a brief stop on a rainy last day of driving.

The next month was a flurry of activity at mom’s house, as we unpacked, arranged, and tried to create a sense of order in the chaos.  Once that was done, it was time for me to take a vacation!

I returned to Washington at the end of July; I spent a week touristing through North Dakota and Montana and then spent a glorious five weeks with my friends, and enjoying summer in the Pacific Northwest.  I had only one chore while I was there; to clear a couple of last pieces of furniture that remained in mom’s house.  With the help of a friend who was furnishing a new place, and another friend with a truck, it didn’t end up being too burdensome!  Get the tape measure!

I spent my time reading, exploring, seeing friends, beachcombing, and capped it off with almost a full week on the Oregon Coast.  The weather was cool but dry, about as good as you can expect for the Oregon Coast in August.  I found tons of agates, revisited some of my favorite restaurants and camped at Beverly Beach.  It was glorious!

Roads End Driftwood

It was time to return home in early September, and I went back to Minnesota by way of Eastern Oregon and Idaho.  I saw some new to me places, including John Day Fossil Beds, the Polka Dot Agate mine (where you can dig for thundereggs!), the Idaho potato museum, and Virginia City and Nevada City in Montana, and the Enchanted Highway in North Dakota. 

Later in September, mom and I took a whirlwind road trip down to Knoxville, Tennessee to go to her jewelry-making workshop again.  We didn’t really sightsee this time, but instead I signed up for the workshop and actually made some jewelry!  It was fun, but I have a long way to go before I would consider myself anywhere near competent at jewelry-making.  And in a strange twist of fate and timing, I got to see my cousin and her husband for lunch in Louisville, Kentucky!

One thing about getting older is that I’m not willing to deal with other people’s drama and bad behavior; I’m just no longer willing to allow people to mess with my peace.  I left my job last year because of my toxic boss.  This year continued that theme.  Sadly, there were a few people who I had to remove from my life; they were simply creating too much chaos.  With that, I restored my peace, and I’ve been a lot happier since.  Word of advice – you are the one who has to live your life.  So, if you feel that toxic people need to go, don’t fall prey to the guilt trips that they try to throw in your face.  Your peace isn’t worth it! 

Since I’ve been back in Minnesota I have been nesting, doing some home maintenance, and relaxing.  I have been rearranging my house, and unpacking things that I now have room to put out.  I have also been reading and writing more here!  I’m almost done writing about my big road trip back in 2018 (where have the last 5 years gone!?), and I’m excited to move on to more recent adventures.  With a couple of minimal travel years, it shouldn’t take nearly so long to catch up.  The 2018 trip was unique in that there was almost four months of daily adventures, and often visiting more than one place in a day!  You can be sure I’ll be blogging more about the places I went this year! 

Cora, Yellow and the chickens are all still hanging out, living their best lives.  Unfortunately Yellow’s kidney’s are failing, so I’m giving him supplemental fluids every day to keep him feeling better.  I’ve been down this road before, and I know the eventual ending, but for now he’s tolerating the fluids, and still enjoying life. 


All I have to say is that life throws some curveballs.  I didn’t expect some of the things that happened this year, and it certainly changed my long term outlook and plans.  Some were good, some were bad, some are still in the planning phase.  I’m proud of myself for standing my ground and standing up for my boundaries.  I am hopeful for 2024, in more ways than one.  Life is what you make it, and although sometimes you can’t control what happens to you, you can control your reaction to it.  Enough said.  Bring on 2024!


Retirement Diaries 2023: Goodbyes and Hellos

I have been back in Washington for a week and a half, and it’s been fabulous!  I do love the Pacific Northwest, especially during the summer and this year is no different.  The only real drawback is the gas prices.

At the beginning of last week I spent a couple of nights at my mom’s house.  It closed on August 3, so I had a few days to spend a little time there and say my goodbyes to a home that my parents built, and played such a big role in my adult life.  I also had to coordinate moving the couch and California King bed to new homes.  I found a friend who needed some furniture, and a dear friend with a truck who was willing to help, so it ended up being working out nicely for everyone.  Plus there were popscicles to be had afterward!

The last morning I was at mom’s house, I wandered and took photos to remember it by.  It has been interesting to see it empty for the first time since it was brand new, and I would be lying if I said it wasn’t emotional.

After the work was done though, it has been time to play!  I have met friends for meals and happy hours, taken walks, gone on a hike, did a little thrift store shopping and walked the beaches. I had dinner and a sunset walk on the beach, and I had Cryo Rolls ice cream on an afternoon walk.  I have felt like I have finally had a chance to breathe…  It has been so much fun to relax and truly enjoy a vacation, with no work on the agenda!

Plus, today I’m going on a short hike in the afternoon, and then doing a wine cruise this evening with friends!  I’m so excited!