Tag Archive | beautiful sunrise

Summer Sunrise – 2020 Edition

With my schedule of working from home, I’m rarely up to see the sunrise these days.  Honestly, I’m gotten a bit lazy, rolling out of bed as late as 7:40 sometimes – you can get away with that when your commute is only 20 feet!  But last Friday, I had the day off and was up early to finish getting packed and out the door for a weekend camping trip, and I caught this beauty!

I hope you are all well!



It’s The Weekend!

Every day has its pros and cons.

Yesterday, I didn’t have to be out of the house quite so early, because I had a dentist appointment first thing.  I got to have a bit of a leisurely morning, but I had to have one of my old silver amalgam fillings replaced, complete with Novocain and that horrible grinding.  The good news is that I now have a tooth colored filling that isn’t noticeable.  Unfortunately though, my mouth is still a bit sore – hopefully that goes away soon.

The other plus yesterday was that my later departure meant that I captured a beautiful sunrise!

Happy Weekend everybody!

March Sunrise

The weather has been a bit erratic this week.  We had snow that melted in a few hours, then snow again a few days later.  The days have been mostly sunny and cold overnight, but warming up nicely during the day.

I was greeted with this stunning sunrise a few days ago; it is too pretty not to share.


March 2019 Sunrise