Tag Archive | Baja Betty’s

San Diego 2016: Put Your Dancing Shoes On!

Day 1: April 23, 2016

My friend turned 50 on the day that we got to San Diego. And she wanted to go dancing. So after we finished up at Cabrillo National Monument, we headed to where any self-respecting birthday girl would want to go to start a birthday off right. Happy Hour! We went to happy hour at the hotel, which had good drinks, but the service was terrible! We did much philosophizing, and much laughing, and much getting tipsy. And there was a shot for the birthday girl in there too…

Then we headed back to the room for the briefest of naps, got gussied up and headed out on the town. A recommendation from the hotel led us to a Mexican restaurant called Baja Betty’s in the gay district of San Diego, with good food and a lively atmosphere. Our birthday girl was the center of attention with her sash, her tiara, and later, her balloon hat! Margaritas and shots of tequila may have been consumed…

An Uber ride later and we were at the Hard Rock Hotel, ready to dance the night away. We had been told there would be 80s music, and we were the ones who got everybody out on the dance floor, but the DJ was terrible! Even though almost everyone was requesting 80s music (not just us!) he refused to play any! We had to make do with the bumping rap preferences of the crappy DJ… We still had fun, but it would have been better with good music.

Of course, there’s a bit more that I can’t tell you, because what happens in San Diego stays there too! Don’t worry, it was all very PG – but I promised my friends… 🙂

It was certainly the latest I have been out in a long time, and we fell into bed at close to 2 am, after having been awake for almost all of the previous 24 hours.  I felt like we had certainly made the most of our day!