Circus Trip 2018: Down Time

I’m in California; almost at the end of my long road trip.  I have driven over 13,000 miles, and have traveled within 32 states (and Washington, D.C).  10 have been states that are new to me in my adult life, although I didn’t explore a few of them at all; rather just driving through.

Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hamphire, Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Washington, D.C., Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, and finally California.  It has been a long, enjoyable drive, and I have seen and done so much along the way.  I still have one more state to pass through before reaching Washington once more.

I’ve been having  some down time, in California, and as often happens with me, once I stop to rest, that is when I get sick.  I have been pretty lucky to have not been sick while on this road trip, but now I’ve gotten a cold, complete with sniffles, sneezes, coughing, and exhaustion.  I’m taking some time to recover, resting and sleeping a lot, with lots and lots of cold medicine.  The cold medicine is accompanied by strange, crazy dreams, but I guess that’s a small price to pay for being able to breathe.

Relaxing with a book on the patio

Fortunately I can take some time to get better.  I’ve been thinking a lot about what my future holds; new opportunities that weren’t clear at the beginning of this trip.  Onward…

9 thoughts on “Circus Trip 2018: Down Time

    • It’s so hard to say! I loved a lot of places. The trip reaffirmed that I love the scenery and the hiking in the Southwest. Places I visited for the first time and loved were: Glacier National Park, Acadia National Park, the Laurel Highlands in Pennsylvania and Boston. Death Valley wasn’t as awesome as I wanted it to be. Missouri and Kansas were both wide and kind of boring – although admittedly if I had planned more time there I am sure I would have found more cool places to go in those states. In sum, I love traveling, so I can find something interesting pretty much anywhere!

  1. Pingback: Circus Trip 2018: The Series Begins | Wine and History Visited

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