Tag Archive | best nap in awhile

Troon Dry Riesling: Some Apple with my Brisket!

Today was a lazy Sunday.  I stayed up late with friends last night, way past my usual bedtime, and for some reason I wasn’t able to sleep past 7:30 this morning.  So I had a relaxing, lazy morning, and cut up some veggies and threw them in the crock-pot with a corned beef brisket.  When Jon left to go workout – I took an awesome nap!  It was heavenly – Martini and I snuggled in, and couldn’t wake up when our alarm went off, so we turned it off and went back to sleep!  It has been awhile since I’ve had a great nap like that, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

After I got up from my nap, Jon and I went for a long walk and had some tea.  When we got home, we just kicked back and waited for our brisket to finish up.  I opened up a bottle of the 2010 Troon Dry Riesling that we had tasted on our Southern Oregon trip in August 2011.  Troon is one of the older vineyards in Oregon, opening in 1972.  They have their vineyard in the Applegate Valley and another in Carlton, and they mostly make small lots. They use a minimalist style of wine-making, preferring to let the natural flavors in the wine shine through.

This Dry Riesling tastes exactly like a Golden Delicious apple, with just the right touch of sweetness.  It has a nice yellow color and a tartness at first sip which lingers while slowly softening on the palate.  It complemented our brisket nicely, offsetting the salty flavor of the corned beef.  I imagine this wine would also go well with a salty brie or blue cheese, and certainly dark chocolate!

Troon Dry Riesling with slow-cooked Corned Beef Brisket

I will definitely pick this one up again!