
Hi there!  My name is Camille, and I’m a forty-something woman with a zest for history, literature, travel, and fine wine.  I subject my readers to my musings on a variety of topics that are of interest to me, and should be of interest to you!  Among other things, wine and history (hence the name of the blog), my travels, life and family, cats and horses, half marathons and art.  Plus anything else that may be on my mind that I want to share.  Is that diverse enough?

I love learning about the Civil War and other history, drinking crisp citrusy whites and Oregon Pinot Noir, visiting museums, photography, and hiking in our amazing National Parks.   I absolutely prefer traditional art over modern art.

About those National Parks; I hope to one day visit all of them – it is a lofty goal, but they have so much to offer.  I have enjoyed every park I have visited so far.

My coworkers think that I am nuts for wanting to spend all my vacations going to museums, battlefields and spending time with educational pursuits.  I hope you enjoy reading.


42 thoughts on “Splash!

  1. Interesting blog. Thanks for the follow. I’m a wine geek and used to be a Civil War buff (in my youth, not so much now), so I’ll check in once in a while.


  2. Hi Camille! You and Jon are not the only ones who spend their holidays in museums! My husband goes a step further and lets me choose holidays to destinations I’m researching for my novels. 🙂 We spent three gorgeous weeks in Norway this summer, going from museum to stave church to archaeological site. Bliss. Thank you for stopping by History Undusted!

    • Thank you for the like! Three weeks in Norway would be amazing, even if you never even got to go to a museum! I do love the historical architecture – that church in your post was gorgeous! Camille

  3. Thanks so much for visiting, liking and following my blog. Most appreciated. I look forward to exploring yours. Pity I haven’t been able to find any wine in India. At least there’s no shortage of history here. 🙂

  4. Hi there and thanks for visiting my blog. I came to check yours out and, although I’m not a big wine drinker, I love the mix of history, travel and wine commentary! Very nice writings…

  5. Thank you for your kind comments on my blog. I see you hiked Ebey’s Landing on Christmas. Do you live on Whidbey? I hope you get to share your love of Civil War history with your husband at Gettysburg one day. Maybe showing him it is in an area with a bunch of wineries would help?

    • You are very welcome! We live in Bellingham, which is about 20 miles south of the Canadian border. My in-laws live on Whidbey – Jon spent most of his childhood there. Do you know the area? He is very interested in going to Gettysburg – we just haven’t had a trip in that area yet. So much work, so little vacation – so we have to pick and choose. Camille

  6. Sounds like you are kindred spirits, Camille. We are on the same National Park quest. We have the Fodor’s book “The Official Guide of America’s National Parks” and we put a star sticker and a date by each park as we visit it. (A half star if only one of us has been there.) We, too, haven’t found a bad one yet. Keep exploring!

    • It does sound like we are kindred spirits! I don’t have that Fodor’s book, but I think I’m going to have to check it out – it sounds like a good one. Visiting all of the parks is such a fun goal to have! Camille

  7. Glad to have found your blog! A great combination of topics here. My husband doesn’t enjoy quite so many of my interests, so I’m on my own when it comes to wine, history and running, but he does love the outdoors. We visited Yellowstone and Dinosaur National Monument on our honeymoon. Both were amazing!

    • Thank you! I feel pretty blessed that Jon and I have similar interests in history, wine and hiking. He is more the runner though – my pace is generally a brisk walk. But we do love spending time outdoors. I haven’t been to Yellowstone since I was a child and so want to get back, and Dinosaur NM looks like a very neat place! They are certainly on my list to visit!

  8. Camille, thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post Cats R Us. So glad it led me to your blog which looks great. I’m looking forward to reading more!

  9. Wine. History. Hiking. Cats. Colorado. Your blog hits on numerous of my favorite things. Gonna have to spend quite awhile clicking around and reading stuff I’ve missed 🙂

  10. I had the pleasure of sharing a bus ride to Stonehenge with Camille. She is a delightful young woman. If you want to tap into a treasure trove of knowledge about wine, travel and history, then you came to the right place. Or, you can leave the seat next to you open and hope to be as fortunate as I was.

    • Thank you John! You were excellent company too for our wanders and I enjoyed hearing your stories. Perhaps our paths will cross again one day. Stonehenge at sunset was amazing – I am so glad I had the opportunity!

  11. Hey Camille, I don’t know if you ever take book review requests, but I’d love to send you one to see if you might be interested in an advanced e-book of my historical novel coming out in September. If you are the slightest bit interested, please drop me an email and I will attempt to dazzle you with a more formal query. If that’s something you would prefer not to do, no worries. Just thought I’d ask. Thanks!

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