Retirement Diaries 2024: No Tornadoes!

It has been a pretty quiet week and it is dark in the house this morning from the rain.  We have had thunderstorms regularly for the last week or so, and last night was no exception.  The sky turned a bright, vivid yellow before sunset; I have heard that a green sky means that it is going to hail, but there was no hail last night.

Last week, I even made it through my first tornado warning!  There ended up being no tornado at my house, but I did take a trip down to the basement with the cats.  Yellow promptly thanked me by peeing on me, because he thought he was going to get shoved in the carrier for a trip to the vet.  There were heavy winds and a lot of rain, but that was the worst of it.  There were a few confirmed tornado touchdowns about 15 miles away, but the damage was fortunately light.

The weekend was dedicated to cutting down dead branches and cleaning up the yard.  A big branch came down during the high winds last week, and others just needed to be cut.  I got my daily steps without even leaving the yard!

All the rain lately has made for some excellent weed growth in the garden.  I’m trying to stay on top of it, but it has been tough!  There should be some turnips coming up soon, and more radishes.  I’ll have to come up with some turnip recipes.

Mom and I are heading over to Michigan soon.  It is her high school reunion, and I’m going as her ‘plus one’.  We will also visit family while we are there, and we are going to head home through the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and do a couple days of sightseeing.  I’m excited to have a little getaway!

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